MIX11에서 제 시간표
2011. 4. 8. 01:16
08:00~09:00 - Registration (2nd Floor Lobby)
08:00~09:00 - Breakfast (Shorelines A)
08:00~09:00 - Breakfast (Shorelines A)
09:00~11:00 - Keynote (Mandalay Bay Ballroom HF)
11:30~12:30 - HTML5 for Silverlight Developers (Ballroom D)
12:30~14:00 - Lunch (Shorelines A)
14:00~15:00 - A Whole NUI World: Microsoft Surface 2 and Windows Touch (Lagoon H)
15:30~16:30 - The Microsoft Surface MVPs Present: NUI, Today and Tomorrow... (Lagoon H)
17:00~18:30 - Ask the Experts (Shorelines A)
08:00~09:00 - Breakfast (Shorelines A)
09:00~11:00 - Keynote (Mandalay Bay Ballroom HF)
11:30~12:30 - Introducing MMP Content Manager (Breakers D)
12:30~14:00 - Lunch (Shorelines A)
12:30~14:00 - (WomenInTech with LegoSeriousPlay) (South Seas IJ, Level 3)
14:00~14:25 - MMP Video Editor (Breakers D)
14:35~15:00 - 5 Things You Need To Know To Start Using <video> and <audio> Today (Breakers L)
15:30~16:30 - Graphics & 3D with Silverlight 5 (Ballroom D)
17:00~18:00 - Kinect for Xbox 360: Iterative Field Testing to Optimize... (Breakers D)
21:00~01:00 - Attendee Party (Marquee Nightclub at the Cosmopolitan Hotel)
08:00~09:00 - Breakfast (Shorelines A)
09:00~10:00 - The Future of HTML5 (Ballroom D)
10:30~11:30 - Analyzing and Improving Windows Phone Application Performance (Ballroom A)
11:30~12:00 - Lunch (Shorelines A)
12:00~13:00 - Windows Azure Storage: Getting Started and Best Practices (Lagoon F)
13:30~14:30 - Riding the Geolocation Wave (Lagoon B)
15:00~16:00 - The Tale of Two Apps: Making a Splash in the WP Marketplace (Lagoon L)
(괄호는 장소/방이름)
아직 제목이 공개되지 않은 WP7 세션들이 많이 있기 때문에
현장에 가면 들어야 할 세션이 변경될 가능성이 농후합니다.
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